Meet Mark Hofer

Mark Hofer is a seasoned professional with a passion for helping others succeed. With a diverse background in business development, fundraising, and community engagement, Mark has the expertise and insights needed to navigate the challenges and opportunities that businesses and non-profits face.

A lifelong technologist, Mark Hofer began his career as a people manager in the Customer Service and Hospitality industries. His professional technical experience spans 25+ years as an Engineer and Enterprise Architect. His initial M&A experience came from being engaged with multiple startups that were purchased by larger corporations. Then, as a technical advisor and engineer, he participated in over 30 corporate and tech mergers, acquisitions, integrations and divestures, over 9 years.

Mark has a passion for Entrepreneurial Business and a mission to enable and empower businesses to achieve their goals. This is accomplished through a refined process of evaluation, analytics, maturity/compliance road-mapping and project management. He has significant experience in Business Strategy, Business Development, Budget and Requirements Development, Compliance, Enterprise Architecture, Agile, Continuous Improvement and Cyber Security. Honesty, integrity and a seasoned entrepreneurial spirit are what has enabled his success.

Mark considers a company's core values and its commitment to giving back to the community to be one of their most important assets. Mark is a member of Lions Club International (, and he has participates in diversity and inclusion recruiting as well as pro-bono consulting for non-profit organizations. His "Why" is to establish a foundation that provides vacations and experiences for families living with disabilities.

Empowering companies! Period.


Promoting an environment where all voices are heard and valued.


Making decisions based on community and free from political influence.


Working together across diverse perspectives to achieve common goals.

Why Choose Mark Hofer & Co.

Personalized Approach

We understand that every business is unique. That’s why we tailor our services to meet your specific needs.

Commitment to Excellence

We are dedicated to delivering the highest quality of service and achieving the best possible outcomes for our clients.

Community Focused

We believe in the power of community and are committed to helping you build strong, lasting relationships with your local community.

Email: [email protected]

Phone : 512-565-4191